The Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) project is planning its second Open
Science Conference from 17-21 June 2019 in Brest, France. The conference will focus on themes related to:
• Understanding and quantifying the state and variability of marine ecosystems
• Improving scenarios, predictions and projections of future ocean-human systems at
multiple scales
• Improving and achieving sustainable ocean governance
The marine research community is invited to contribute proposals for sessions and workshops related to the Conference themes. Workshops and topical sessions focused on the IMBeR Challenges outlined in the IMBeR Science Plan, results from IMBeR Working Groups and Regional Programmes, and IMBeR-relevant research at the
interface of natural and human sciences are especially encouraged.
Session and workshop proposals should include a short description of the proposed topic, convener names and affiliations, format (e.g., oral, poster, discussion with panel, world cafe), and potential number of participants. Workshop proposals should indicate whether they are intended to be a full- or half-day, and include clearly defined outputs. Such outputs can be research papers, special issues in high impact peer-reviewed journals, or position papers. Innovative formats that promote strategic thinking and new ideas are welcome. Proposals should be sent to by Monday 23 April 2018. Notification of proposal acceptance will be in late May 2018. The open call for abstract submission to sessions and workshops will be distributed in June 2018.
More information on the IMBeR Open Science Conference: here.